La Alegria

Spanish/Portuguese/Italian feminine noun meaning JOY or HAPPINESS. The Same happiness you can find in spending time with your loved ones and the same joy you can find in a nice cup of coffee or a slice of delicious cake. So welcome and enjoy your stay.

Women with caffee
Lavazza logo

Lavazza was established in Torino, Italy, in 1895. It has been owned by the family of the same name for four generations.

It all began when Luigi Lavazza opened the first Lavazza store in via San Tommaso, Torino in 1895. Surrounded by sacks of coffee of different origins he used to create the best blends. Each member of Lavazza family who has worked in the company has helped to its grow, transforming it into the company it is today, yet still full of passion and innovation inherited from Luigi Lavazza.

The blend we are using is a mixture with a thick cream and a round aroma with delicate liqueur notes and a sweet aftertaste. It’s 80% of Washed Arabica hand-picked in the highlands of Central and South America, and natural Arabica carefully blended with 20% of washed and semi washed Robusta from Kaapi Royale (India) and Java.

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